I am working on a project in python, and I need to add a tkinterbutton to the code where you can open a file from your computerwhen you press the button. Here is my code. I want to replace thebolded part. The italizized part is where I think it needs togo.
from tkinter import Tk, Label, Button, Entry, filedialog,END
employees = []
class Employee:
def __init__(self, empno, name, addr, hwage, hworked):
self.empno = empno
self.name = name
self.addr = addr
self.hwage = hwage
self.hworked = hworked
def calc_salary(self):
self.gpay = float(self.hwage) * float(self.hworked)
self.netpay = self.gpay – self.gpay * 0.20 – self.gpay *0.075
return self.netpay
class MyFirstGUI:
def __init__(self, master):
self.cnt = 0
self.master = master
master.title(“Fluff Shuffle