World S Trend Catalog Division Order Placed Order Fulfillment Crew Takes Checks Availabili Q37292592

World’s Trend Catalog Division – Once an order isplaced, the order fulfillment crew takes over and checks foravailability, fills the order, and calculates the total amount ofthe order.

  1. Create a use case diagram
  2. Create 2 use case scenarios
  3. Create 2 activity diagrams based on yourscenarios
  4. Create 2 sequence diagrams based on yourscenarios
  5. Create 1 class diagram


a) The use case diagram for World’s trend Catalog Division isgiven below :

Check status Place order Salesperson Customer File order Credit payment Shipping clerk

b) the 2 use case scenarios are:


place oder Pack for shipmern <<includet> payment Seller Customer

2)«Subsystem» Receive order Authentication I«include» Fill order Identity Provider «include» Checkout Customer Credit Payment W



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