Would Find Sizet Size Given Variables Labels Edges Program Need Implement Template File M Q37260302

How would I find the size_t size() when given only the variables”labels” and “edges”?

here is the program, I need to implement the templatefile but I’m having trouble:

// FILE: graph.h (part of the namespace main_savitch_15)
// TEMPLATE CLASS PROVIDED: graph<Item> (a class for labeledgraphs)
// The vertices of an n-vertex graph are numbered from zero to n-1.Each vertex
// has a label of type Item. It may be any of the C++ built-intypes (int,
// char, etc.), or any class with a default constructor and anassignment
// operator. The graph may not have multiple edges.
// MEMBER CONSTANTS for the graph<Item> template class:
// static const size_t MAXIMUM


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