Write Java Program Constructs Applet Fireworkcontrolpane Represents One Pane Containing On Q37102578

Assignment12 ControlPane FireworkHandler width:int -height:int paneNum:int start(Stage):void main(Stringl]void +handle(Action

Write a Java program that constructs an Applet.

FireworkControlPane represents one pane containing one “Start”button, one “Stop button, a Color Picker, and one “Speed” slider,and one “Beam Num” slider. In ControlPane, two objects ofFireworkControlPane are created, one to control a firework with redcolor initially, and another to control a firework with blue colorinitially. Thus your GUI should have four buttons (two Startbuttons and two Stop buttons), two color pickers, and four sliders(two Speed sliders and two Bean Num sliders). For eachFireworkControlPane, the start button, the stop button, and thecolor picker


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