Write Method Called Create2darray Fill Create Return 10 X 10 2d Array Random Numbers Range Q37186839

Output Console (run) 81 18 73 78 80 47 12 34 96 16 97 56 18 27 23 81 65 18 81 16 94 65 27 52 36 85 68 79 38 82 21 50 93 63 34Write a method calledcreate2DArray that will fill, create, and return a 10 x 10 2d arraywith random numbers in the range of 1 to 100.

Write a method called print2DArray that will print a 10 x 10 2Darray in row column fashion.

Write a method called createCoords that will search the 2D arraylooking for any value that is evenly divisible by


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