Write Method Called Removeduplicates Takes Parameter Sorted Arraylist Strings Eliminates D Q37100875

Write a method called removeDuplicates that takes as a parametera sorted ArrayList of strings and eliminates any duplicates fromthe list. For example, if the list stores the values [“be”, “be”,”is”, “not”, “or”, “question”, “that”, “the”, “to”, “to”] beforethe method is called, it should store the values [“be”, “is”,”not”, “or”, “question”, “that”, “the”, “to”] after the methodfinishes executing. Because the values will be sorted, all of theduplicates will be grouped together. Assume that the ArrayListcontains only String values, but keep in mind that it might beempty.


public static void removeDuplicates(ArrayList<String> list) { int index = 0;


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