Write Multithreaded Program Mimics Taxi Service Valhalla Limousines 5 Drivers Customer Inf Q37073906

Write a multithreaded program that mimics a taxi service(Valhalla Limousines) which has 5 drivers. Customer information isread in from a text file attached (Delimiter is “yes” while “No”indicates end of file).

Write a dispatcher program that reads the Customer file for theday and loads the customer info into a queue . The dispatchershould create driver threads to serve these customers from thequeue. On duty Driver threads should keep picking up customers fromthe queue. Use sleep to mimic time taken to drop each customer(Eg:Thread.sleep((long)(Math.random() * 10000));
).They can serve a maximum of 4 customers before going offDuty.Find attached the text file CustomerList and


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