Write Mysql Queries Following Table Create Table Exists Ncbirefseq Name Varchar 20 Null Ch Q37134698

Just write mySQL queries for following table:

create table if not exists ncbiRefSeq(
   name   varchar(20)   notnull,
chrom   varchar(6)   not null,
strand   char(1)   not null,
txStart   int,
txEnd   int,
exonCount   smallint

Q1 Write a query that selects all fields, but displays thecoordinates as a single field called “Coordinates”, with the formatchrom: start-stop, i.e. chr3: 2000-3000

Q2: Write a query that retrieves the gene name, txStart, txEndand calculates geneSize for all records. geneSize is not a field inthe table; use an expression (txEnd – txStart) to get geneSize. Theresults should show a column header called geneSize.

Q3: Modify Q2 to only get genes larger than 40,000 bases. Notein MySQL, you cannot


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