Write Program C Following 1 Define Array 6 Integer Numbers Called Vec1 2 Define Array 100 Q37151213

Write a program in C to do the following:  

1. Define an array of 6 integer numbers called Vec_1.

2. Define an array of 100 float numbers called Vec_2.

3. Read the values of Vec_1 from the user using a loop.

4. Set the values of Vec_2 to 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, … 50 usinga loop.

(steps 1-4 already done, shown below.)

I need this added to the code that I already have worked on.

5. Find the average of Vec_1 using the variable Avg_1 thendisplay it on the screen.

6. Find the average of Vec_2 using the variable Avg_2 thendisplay it on the screen.

7. Compare


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