Write Program Graphs Using Depth First Search Breath First Search Finding Connected Compon Q37125670

Write a program for graphs using depth-first-search andbreath-first-search for finding connected components. this is analgorithm assignment.



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DFS to find connected

neighour(k, l) for (i = 1, ,8) n-k = k + x[i] n11 yli] PixelDFS(M, i, j, c, visited) n(i,j) = c visited [i,j] - true #(i,j)

To find the no of connected components we use following algorithms NoCompDFS(M) set2 visited = false #create logical matrix

BFS to find connected

PixelBFS(M,i,j, e, visited) #two empty queues for storing row and column indexes rowEmptyQueue Q-col = Empt-queue visitedfal

NoCompBFS(M) set-2 visited- false #create logical matrix of same dimension as M for(i = 1,2,.. ,no of row of M) for (j ,2..



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