Write the program to implement the binary Search tree usinglinked list. in C++
1. Implement insertion and search operation in binary search treeusing recursion.
2. Write the count function to count Total number of leaves &total number of internal nods in the binary Search tree usinglinked list.
3. Write the program to implement the binary Search tree usingarray
//C++ program
using namespace std;
class BST{
struct node
int key;
struct node *left, *right;
struct node*root;
struct node* insert(struct node* Node , structnode*newNode)
if (Node == NULL) return newNode;
if (newNode->key < Node->key)
Node->left = insert(Node->left, newNode);
else if (newNode->key > Node->key)
Node->right = insert(Node->right, newNode);
return Node;
struct node*