Write Program Named Intsortc Reads Sequence Positive Integers Saving One Sorted Chain Node Q37123909

Write a program, named intsort.c, which reads in a sequence ofpositive integers, saving each one in a sorted chain of nodes. Theinput value -1 indicates the end of input, at which point theprogram traverses the chain and prints the integers in sortedorder. The following screenshot shows the program in action:

adminuser@adminuser-VirtualBox/Desktop/Hw8$insort Enter some numbers, ending with -1: 34 56 789 259 90 -1 Here are the numberYour program should use thestruct definitions and functions defined in the file intsort.h. Inparticular, your program should implement (and use) the functionscreateNode, insertNode, and printAll, as defined in intsort.h.

// intsort.h: definitions


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