Write Program Single Class Named Countvowels Reads User Sentence Assigns String Type Varia Q37025315

Write a program with single class namedCountVowels that reads from user a sentence andassigns it to a String type variable. After that determine andprint number of each

  • (lower-case or upper-case) vowels (a, e, I, o, u) for eachvowel separately,
  • Other characters such as consonants and interpunctioncharacters (such as comma, dot, question mark, exclamation, spaceand any others) Count all other characters together.

Use separate counter for each vowel (countA, countE,countI, countO, countU) and one counter for all othercharacters (countOther). Design the flow in such away that you use a single for-loop to move througheach sentence only once and after that print input sentence


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