Write a program that uses two class petType and dogType.
The main method is provided and will use the two classes.
//Chapter 12: Virtual Functions and valueparameters
#include <iostream>
#include “petType.h”
#include “dogType.h”
using namespace std;
void callPrint(petType p);
int main()
petType pet(“Lucky”); //Line 1
dogType dog(“Tommy”, “German Shepherd”); //Line 2
pet.print(); //Line 3
cout << endl; //Line 4
dog.print(); //Line 5
cout << “*** Calling the function callPrint ***”
<< endl; //Line 6
callPrint(pet); //Line 7
cout << endl; //Line 8
callPrint(dog); //Line 9
cout << endl; //Line 10
return 0;
void callPrint(petType p) //p is a valueparameter