Write Pseudocodefor Create Belowusing Chapter 1 10 Methods 15 Points Python Program B Writ Q37036454

A – Write pseudocodefor what you createbelowusing Chapter 1-10 methods. 15 points

Python the Program:

B – Write a python program

The Program

Using Windows Notepad (or similar program), create a file calledNumbers.txt in your the same folder as your Pythonprogram. This file should contain a list on floating point numbers,one on each line. The number should be greater than zero but lessthan one million.

Your program should read the following and display:

  • The number of numbers in the file (i.e. count them)(counter)
  • The maximum number in the file (maximum)
  • The minimum number in the file (minimum)
  • The total of all the numbers in the file(total)
  • The average of all

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