Write Shortened Version Main Mode Public Signature Keys Hides Alice S Id Active Attacker E Q37123616

Write out the shortened version of main-mode public signaturekeys that hides Alice’s ID from an active attacker. Explain why the6-message version descried in Public Signature Keys, MainMode allows parallel computation of gabmod p, whereasthe shortened version does not.18.5.10 PHASE 1 IKE 455 to what traffic selector would have been acceptable. But if the other side (the one with the more res18.5.10.2 IPSEC: IKE 456 message 1 CP CPA message 2 ga mod p, nonce message 3 go mod p, noncep message 4 compute K-f(gdb mod18.5.10.3 PHASE 1 IKE 457 Public Encryption Key, Main Mode, Original CP message 1 CPA message 2 g mod p, inoncealeo



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