Write Stored Procedure Uses Loop Print Integers 1 5 Write Stored Procedure Loop Print Inte Q37106080

  1. Write a stored procedure that uses the while loop to print theintegers between 1 and 5
  2. Write a stored procedure that the for loop to print the integerbetween 1 and 5 (hint: FOR i IN 1..5)

NOTE: Can you provide the screenshot of the answers of theprogram?


the following is a screenshot in pl/SQL:

e Write A Stored Procedure That U × SQL Commands С Autocommit Display

It consists of two stored procedure one with for loop andanother with while loop

copyable code:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE while_disp /*creating aprocedure*/
a number(2) := 1; /*intialising a to 1*/
WHILE a <=5


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