Write Subroutine Called Generate16 Generates 5 Check Bits Using Technique Shown Subroutine Q37138959

Write a subroutine called “generate16” which generates 5 checkbits using the technique shown above The subroutine should assumeeven parity A 16-bit data word will be passed to the subroutine inbits 0-15 of R0 (d0 in bit 0 etc) The subroutine should return a 21bit word in bits 0-20 of R0 with data and check bits in theposition shown Save your subroutine in a file called “generate16.s”and submit to NESS by the deadline stated in NESS

Coursework 3: Check bit generation for 16-bit data word 1-1.0..-.-01-1 0.1.1 1-0.辶1.1.1 RO on entry! o l 1. 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 ROCoursework


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