Write X86 64 Procedure Function Named Summembers Computes Sum Member1 Member2 Member3 Stru Q37066894

Write an x86-64 procedure/function named sumMembers, whichcomputes the sum of member1, member2, and member3 of the structurescontained in an array of structures; the result is then writteninto the sum_value member of each structure. Use the structuredeclared below: struct Sums{ #this declaration is for a more clearunderstanding only struct Sums *next; int member1; int member2; intmember3; long sum_value; } array[size]; A running total (i.e. asum, declared as long overall_sum) of the all values in sum_valueshould also be kept as the program moves from one structure in thearray to the next. After computing this overall sum, the functionshould call printf to print


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