Writing Method Retainall Circular Doubly Linked List Working Assignment Creating Circular Q37141600

Writing a method retainAll for Circular Doubly-Linked List:

I am working on an assignment creating a Circular Doubly LinkedList and am having serious trouble creating a method retainAll.Here’s the code, and my attempt.


public class CDoublyLinkedList {
   private class Node {
       private Object data; //Assume dataimplemented Comparable
       private Node next, prev;
       private Node(Object data, Nodepref, Node next)
           this.data =data;
           this.prev =pref;
           this.next =next;

   private Node head;
   private int size;

   public CDoublyLinkedList() {
       this.head = new Node(null, null,null );
       this.head.next = this.head;
       this.size =


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